Before we get to know each other, here’s a bit about me.
My Personal Life
With over 59 years married to my best friend, Jane, we’ve built a happy family with two sons, two grandchildren, and we recently welcomed our first great grandson! When I’m not spending time with my family or clients, you can find me woodworking or out fly fishing.
I received my Ph.D. in educational and clinical psychology from the University of Washington, a M.S. degree in school psychology from the University of Idaho, and a B.A. degree in psychology from Westmont College.
For over 48 years in my private practice, I have spent my professional life as a licensed psychologist and marriage and family therapist. I specialize as an expert in the special needs of children, including the identification and treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder, learning problems, and related issues. Having worked with over 10,000 children in my career, I possess an extensive background in behavior problems, parent-child relationships, and family violence issues, including child sexual abuse and other childhood traumas.
With a strong passion for broadening my reach in mental health wellness, I have written thirteen books surrounding childhood learning difficulties, addictions, and abuse. A selection of my texts include: The Attention Deficit Child (revision of The Hyperactive Child), Help! for Teachers: Strategies for Reaching All Students, Help! My Child Isn't Learning, Help! My Child is Struggling in School, Critical Problems in Children and Youth, Please Don't Hurt Me, When Good Things Become Addictions, Counseling for Family Violence and Abuse, and Transformed By Thorns.
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I have been blessed to have a number of my articles published in magazines such as Focus on the Family, Psychology for Living, and Single Parent Family; as well as professional journals such as Christian Counseling Today, Marriage and Family: A Christian Journal, and the Journal of Psychology and Christianity.
I frequently appear on radio talk shows and TV programs, including numerous appearances on Focus on the Family with Dr. Jim Dobson. Also, for a number of years I was featured on the weekly Counseline radio program on KCIS in Seattle.