Psychologist and Marriage/Family Therapist in Edmonds, Washington.
Specially designed treatment plans based on your needs and expectations.
Through open dialogue and trust, my mission is to identify root causes and define clear solutions in a straightforward manner. With over 48 years experience, I’m here to help you and your family live your most fulfilled life.
While specializing in the identification and treatment of childhood learning difficulties and Autism, I am also here to help those battling addiction, struggling with stress management, having marital concerns, and more.
Click here for a full list of specialties and services.
Psychological service costs are covered by many insurance companies. Whether full or partial coverage is available, your insurance can provide you with more information prior to treatment.
Click here for more information on fees + insurance.
With over 48 years as a psychologist, I have been blessed with the opportunity to help countless clients through my practice, published medical articles and books.
Click here to learn a bit more about me.
Fill out your new client forms right from the comfort of your own home! Email your completed forms, or print and bring them to your first appointment.
Click here to download your new client forms.
You may just be starting your journey to wellness or simply looking for more in-depth information, I’ve authored a number of articles and books to help.
Click here for a comprehensive list of resources.
It’s easy to request an appointment or get your lingering questions answered straight from your device.
Click here to get in contact with me.